You love your family, most days any way.  But, you and they have some problems you’d like to fix.  Here are some of the common problems I hear from the families I work with: disrespectful attitudes, poor communication, taking each other for granted, lack of teamwork, impossible-to-manage schedules, unforgiveness, and the list goes on and on.

Fixing your family can feel overwhelming

Problems like these are overwhelming at times, especially if they become the norm in your home.  They can zap your energy and leave you feeling disappointed and hopeless.  Some problems may even make you feel at times like fixing your family is impossible.

There’s also the possibility that your family has problems, but you don’t feel overwhelmed for a less obvious reason.  Perhaps you have low expectations for what a healthy home life can be, and so you don’t really even try to fix your family.  That mindset could be great if it’s purely one of unconditional love, but it can be problematic if you and your family are treating each other poorly when you and they could fix even just a few issues and enjoy a happier home life because of it.

Change is possible

In The DIY Guide to Building a Family That Lasts, my friend and co-author, Dr. Gary Chapman and I share with you practical relationship-building tools for fixing your family.  We wrote the book based on the home improvement metaphor as a fun, relatable way of cheering you on to make the home life improvements you’re dreaming of.  Why?  Because we believe in families and want to see you thrive!  Plus, we know in your heart, you want your family to thrive.  You just need a little help leading and encouraging your family to get on board with your home life improvement plan.  Dr. Chapman and I are hopeful that the DIY Family Book will give you the ideas and motivation you and they need to get moving on improving your home life!

You’ve got to start somewhere

Of course, if change was easy, you and I both would have fewer problems.  Our families would argue less, be more considerate more often, and make the most of every moment.  But, change isn’t easy, is it?!  Human nature tends to make us want to avoid change.  And, on top of that, life is just busy!  We keep putting off goals we want to accomplish, including home life improvements like having date nights with our spouse, playing with our kids without interruption, being more understanding of each other’s point of view, following through more consistently with consequences for misbehavior, being kinder with our words, etc.

These are healthy goals, and the reward of our sweat equity in making these changes is potentially great.  But, change won’t happen on its own.  We’ve got to make plans, get our families to go all in with us, and put in the necessary sweat equity to accomplish our goals and enjoy those relationship “big reveals.”

Now’s the time to DIY

What are you waiting on?  Now is the time to fix your family, that is, to make the changes you want to make in your home life.  Don’t wait or make excuses.  “We’ll get to it.”  Or, “Things aren’t that bad.”  Or sadder, “There’s no point in trying!”  Time will move by one way or the other.  Why not make the home life changes you want to make now rather than putting it off?!  You may be way closer to fixing your family and building your dream home life than you know.  But first, you will need to DIY—do it yourself—to lead the charge.  You can do it!

God bless your DIY efforts!

Your DIY coach and fellow DIY’er,


PS: Please and thank you, in advance, for getting a copy of our book—The DIY Guide to Building a Family That Lasts.  And, if you will, please write a review on Amazon and other book sellers’ websites.  Your review goes a long way in encouraging others to buy the book.  Also, look for us on social media at #DIYFamilyBook.  Thanks again!!

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Fix your family with the DIY Family Book

Fix your family with the DIY Family Book