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Good news…the first book I co-authored with Dr. Gary Chapman (NY Times best selling author of The 5 Love Languages) has been updated and re-released. The book is Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Became Parents. Many have found this parenting book helpful, and I hope you will, too. It’s a great resource for anyone thinking about starting a family or anyone who has young children. If you’re like me and my husband, we needed all the help we could get in those early years. So, take a look at the book and see if it’s a good fit for you or someone you know. Thanks for your support!
The second book we co-authored is another parenting book–this one with a creative “home improvement” spin. It’s titled The DIY Guide to Building a Family that Lasts: 12 Tips for Improving Your Home Life. If you enjoy popular home improvement shows (I do!), then you’ll see in the book that we applied some of our favorite home improvement concepts to the topic of parenting. This book is good for parents of children of any age. It’s a fun book. I hope you like it!
I’m working on new projects but am also super busy in my work as a counselor educator. I love training and encouraging new counselors, and I love working for Liberty University Online as an Associate Professor in the Center for Counseling and Family Studies. Go Flames!!
More fun stuff…
Want to know more about your purpose in life? Take a look at the online quiz (“Purpose Assessment”) I wrote in support of Dr. Dharius Daniel’s latest book, Your Purpose is Calling.
Interested in knowing what your “relational IQ” is? Take the “RQ Assessment“…another brief quiz I wrote in support of Dr. Dharius Daniels‘ book, Relational Intelligence.
I frequently have the privilege of being on broadcasts such as this one with my friend John Finch (click here to watch). I post all of my interviews on social media @drshannonwarden, so check those out for relationship and home life encouragement and tips.
Looking for a fun, uplifting video series to watch?! Check out my YouTube channel, where you’ll find my first-ever series, Family All the Way with Dr. Shannon Warden. I show you the start-to-finish process of us building our “forever house.” In each episode, I also talk about how building a home and building a healthy home life are similar. I have some episodes also posted here in my website “vlog.”
Thanks again for visiting my website!
I have enjoyed working with Shannon Warden on two exciting books: Things I Wish I’d Known Before We Became Parents, and The DIY Guide to Building A Family That Lasts. Her commitment to her husband and family along with her commitment to Christ and the church, and her long-time work as a professional counselor and counselor educator make her an excellent resource for anyone looking for a speaker on marriage and family relationships. I highly recommend her.

Worry Rehab is not a real place per se, but instead, it is a mindset. It is us recognizing when worry is managing us rather than us managing worry. And, it is us then intentionally deciding to be proactive in our worry management efforts. MORE

If you want encouragement and ideas for repurposing your life, take a look at this article. You’ll come away with fresh perspective on your fears and failures and hope for turning them into new and better ways of dealing with life. MORE

Life can make you angry! But, you can’t afford to stay angry. This article validates your anger and gives you helpful strategies for managing it. MORE

Having children changes our lives in so many good and challenging ways. This practical look at parenting will prepare and encourage parents-to-be and parents of young children for the road ahead. MORE