Writing and creating are some of my top passions, or things I do for fun. I’ve been writing and creating since second grade. How about you? What do you love to do? What’s fun about this activity that you love?

I ask about fun because I think so many of us lose focus and stop having fun. In my case, I have at times worked so hard to make whatever I was writing or creating “perfect” that the process stopped being fun–it became work and was no longer fun. I also wrestled for a while with whether I could write or create something meaningful enough that it would be well-received by readers. I thought, “Everybody and their brother is writing and creating content. The internet is full of content producers vying for people’s attention. Who will possibly care about what I have to say?”

Two Bible verses that helped me have more fun

The good news here is that I didn’t stay stuck in that negative thinking. God reminded me that the gifts and calling he equipped me with are for his glory; I write and create for him. Take a look at these two Bible verses:

  • Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! (Psalm 100:2, ESV)
  • Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. (Colossians 3:23, NLT)

I am increasingly writing and creating for fun, as a way of serving the Lord with gladness. Increasingly, I am clearer that God is my primary audience. He can take it from there and see to it that anyone else who is meant to be encouraged through my words will get the message. This shift in mindset has been super refreshing and inspiring. Perhaps you, too, can be helped to meditate on Psalm 100:2 and Colossians 3:23. And, perhaps, you, too, can stop worrying so much and just get busy having fun doing the things you love to do!

If these ideas resonate with you, what one step will you take to have more fun doing what you’re passionate about? Me? I’m writing this blog. That’s the step I took. I have been so busy. And the world has been so different in the past two years that I had not blogged in forever. So, I’m back blogging, at least for now. I’m not going to put too much pressure on myself. I’ll just blog when I feel like it. And, I’ll blog for fun!

God bless your efforts to have more fun with whatever you’re passionate about!

Thanks for reading!