Thank you. That’s what’s on my mind and heart today—gratitude for the many blessings in my life.
What are you thankful for?

Is your heart full of gratitude? Say “thank you!”
I’m going to share just a few blessings on my “thank you” list, including my thanks to you for being so supportive of me and my ministry. But, even more than me getting to share with you, my real hope is that you’ll take a few minutes today and say it with me—say thank you, jot down, or pray through a few of your own blessings.
Why say “thank you?”
Beyond being a common courtesy and an act of humility and gratitude, saying thank you takes our minds off our worries and lifts our spirits. Try it and see!
To whom do we say “thank you?”
Many of us believe our thank you list starts with God, from whom every good and perfect gift comes (James 1:17). After God, our lists include some other likely characters…family, friends, etc. We can quietly reflect or share aloud with God and others our thanks for all they do for us.
Briefly think about your answers to these questions…
Who are you thankful for? What circumstances are you thankful for? How is God blessing you and working through you to bless others?
Here is my “thank you” list…
- Thank you, God, for your son, Jesus. The older I get, the more aware I am of Him as “the way, and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). And, the more comfortable and confident I am in explaining to others the hope I have because of Jesus (1 Peter 3:15). Without Him, I have no hope.
- Thank you, Mama and Daddy, for raising me with love in my heart—love for others and love for myself. This old world can wear on you at times, but because of love and hope that run deep, I’ll keep on loving and hoping the best for others.
- Thank you, Stephen, Avery, Carson, and Presley, for filling my life with hugs, kisses, laughs, and fun. I truly can’t believe at times how blessed I am to get to live with you guys.
- Thank you Gary Chapman for allowing the me the privilege of co-writing a book with you. This has both fulfilled a long-time dream and inspired me to dream further about what I can do to honor God and encourage others.
- Thank you, Moody Publishers, for your amazing support of mine and Dr. Chapman’s book. Thank you also to YouVersion for helping bring my 7-day devotional to readers around the world.
- Thank you, Wake Forest University, for allowing me to teach in the Department of Counseling. It’s truly a blessing for me to help train professional counselors who, themselves, will help encourage countless others.
- Thank you, Triad Baptist Church, for allowing me to share in your ministry. It is my great privilege to be Director of Women’s Ministries and Director of Counseling at Triad. And, far beyond anything I do there to minister to others, I am ministered to on a regular basis.
Thank you to you!
You read my posts. You pray for me. You express genuine concern for me, my family, and my ministry. I am so grateful to you for your support and hope to continue encouraging you just as you encourage me!
I could go on. There are so many people I could name by name, moments I could elaborate on, opportunities, challenges, etc.—all are on my heart and mind; all are on my “thank you” list.
What did you come up with? Who and what are on your “thank you” list?! Take a minute and share in the comments section below. I’ll do my best to get that posted as soon as possible. Thank you, in advance, for your comment.
Before you go…
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Scripture references in this article are from the New American Standard Version and linked to
Photo from © Can Stock Photo / gvictoria
Thankfulness, nice idea to focus on for CHRISTmas Eve! I’m thankful for Jesus Christ, like you I am growing in my relationship with him. Like peeling an onion, there are so many layers. It just gets better as I go deeper. I’m thankful for my family and my health. I’m thankful for prosperity that allows me to bless others at times as God leads me to. I’m thankful for Triad Baptist Church and for good friends like you that inspire me to encourage others. Blessings, girlfriend! Merry CHRISTmas!
Michelle, same here…Christmas reminds me where my focus should be. Not on the world and its problems, but on Jesus and His solutions, and on the many blessings God continually fills my life with. Thank you for your friendship! Merry Christmas to you and your sweet family!
Gratitude is powerful! Thank you for this timely post like always. Gratitude provides for a new perspective and a full heart. Gratitude allows the light to shine in any and all situations. So Grateful for the challenges in life as it provides space for me to grow and rely on God, grateful for the more overt belessings and opportunities in life, so grateful for my family, friends, and all of creation as we are all gifts to this world. I am and have always been so grateful for you, Shannon, as your influence in my life has been like no other. I appreciate all that you do but most of all, all that you are. You are a true example of God’s light and God’s will working through you. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Jessie!! Happy first married Christmas, friend!! You are a blessing to me and so many. Thank you for your friendship and for thinking me worthy to be your mentor. I look forward to many years to come of our friendship and seeing you continue growing in your personal and professional life. God bless you, and Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
I am thankful for the old and new friendships God has blessed me with this Christmas as well as for my family! His plans for me are always more amazing than mine! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with Shannon. What a blessing she has been to me professionally and personally! Thank you also Shannon for this forum to share my gratitude with others.
Sally, I’m so glad to get to work with you! Your gracious spirit and positive outlook are inspiring and encouraging! You’ve weathered a tough year, and I’m glad for you that it’s ending on a good note. I’m excited for you in this upcoming new year! Blessings to you, friend!