What are you waiting for, photo courtesy Kate Kuchtjak

Slowing down.  Letting go.  Just saying “no” to overload.

This all sounds inviting to many of us who are pushing our limits.  We need to save time and energy.  But how do we pull it off?

The obvious answer is simply to say “no” when we need to rather than stretching ourselves so thin in terms of time and energy.  In case it has been a while for you, practice right now saying “no.”  (I’m serious!  Right now.)

Of course, it’s not always so easy to say this 2-letter word, is it?!

Here are some steps to help make saying “no” easier…

Step 1:  Stop overachieving.

Many of us love to overachieve, or accomplish as much as we can, no matter how much time and energy it costs us.  If we want to save time and energy, we need to remind ourselves, “I don’t have to do it all.”

Step 2:  Give others a chance.

Others are as capable as we are.  They might not do it when and how we would do it, but they can get the job done.  If we are doing more than we have time and energy for, it is time to give other people a chance to share the load.

Step 3:  Trust God.

Life shows us every day that we are not in control, yet we worry and push the limits as if we are.  Instead, we can save time and energy by trusting God.  Like Ephesians 3:20 says, He is able “to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think…”  What a relief!  We don’t have to be able to do far more abundantly than what we can do.  God is in control.  We can trust Him.

In summary…

Saying “no” gets a little easier when we can say (and believe)…

“I don’t have to do it all.”

“Others are capable.”

“I don’t have to be in control.  God is!”

Which of these steps are you already succeeding in?  Which one or ones are you struggling with?  Join the “Hope to Build On” conversation below in the comments section.

For additional resources, visit www.shannonwarden.com


What are you waiting for, photo courtesy Kate Kuchtjak

(Scripture from the New American Standard Bible)