Family All the Way is my new YouTube series. In it, we build our home, and I talk about building relationships.
Family All the Way with Dr. Shannon Warden is up and running on YouTube. That is one of my goals for 2019–to step out of my comfort zone and go even more public with my love for encouraging people.
So I’m doing it! And, I hope you’ll watch along with me as I show you the start-to-finish process of our “forever house” being built last year. In each episode, I talk about how building a house and building a healthy homelife are similar. As a counselor, author and speaker, I love a good metaphor. And, I’ve got to tell you…I loved videoing the house being built and using that as an opportunity to encourage you with practical relationship strategies.
Please go to my YouTube channel: Dr. Shannon Warden, and watch and subscribe. Numbers of subscribers is important for social media credibility, but it’s more important to me that people be encouraged. So, watch…then share to your favorite social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.).
What about you? What “home improvement” goal are you working on? Is it a literal home improvement project? Or, are you working on any family relationships? That’s truly the best kind of home improvement–working together with your family to build a healthy, happy homelife. I hope you’re making progress!
Thanks for your ongoing support!
Blessings to you!!
PS: My new book with Dr. Gary Chapman (the NY Times Best Selling 5 Love Languages guy) is coming out June 2019. It’s called: The DIY Guide to Building a Family That Lasts. Prayers and purchases appreciated! :0)
Shannon , The views and information from YouTube are absolutely amazing! The relationship of build a home has to be so much like that of building a family. God has gifted you in so many ways to be of help to other. We are so proud to have you in our family.
For us to see the segments of your house being built was great. We would ride by often to see what was being done but to have the detail is a real treat for us.
Thanks, Estelle!