Television theme songs have a somewhat surprising power about them. They’re “just” theme songs. Yet, they often have memorable lyrics and melodies, and they remind us of characters and stories that bring us joy and inspire us.

Who knew television theme songs could be so encouraging?!
Remember these famous television theme songs…
Here’s the story…
Just the good ol’ boys…
Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars…
If not for the courage of the fearless crew, the Minnow would be lost…
Right! These television theme songs belong to The Brady Bunch, The Dukes of Hazzard, The Beverly Hillbillies, and Gilligan’s Island.
What are your favorite television theme songs? Which ones come to mind? Are the words running through your head yet?!
I often find myself humming, whistling, and singing songs of all kinds. I especially love hymns, 70s and 80s music, and television theme songs. I enjoyed these as a child and still do today.
Favorite songs hold special meaning for us. They encourage us and remind us of important truths. And, as a bonus, some of them have memorable lyrics and melodies that just stick with us.
In this post, I’m thinking specifically of some of the television theme songs that have stuck with me over the years. And, interestingly, even though they’re “just” television theme songs, they actually remind me of some pretty important truths about working with others to make it through and enjoy life.
I’m thinking…
We as people are so similar yet so different…
“It takes Diff’rent Strokes to move the world.“
Life isn’t always so easy…
“You take the good you take the bad, you take them both and there you’ve had The Facts of Life.”
Sometimes we really do just need to step back and relax…
“Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got.
Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.”
We’re not alone…
“Together, we’re going to find our way.
Together, taking the time each day.”
We need each other…
“Thank you for being a friend.
Traveled down the road and back again.
Your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant. “
There is hope!…
“You might just make it after all.”
It’s going to be okay!…
“Believe it or not,
I’m walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free.”
Some of you may remember these television shows: Diff’rent Strokes, The Facts of Life, Cheers, Silver Spoons, The Golden Girls, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and The Greatest American Hero. Their theme songs are not only “catchy” to listen to, but their lyrics are positive and encouraging.
What other television theme songs come to mind for you? There have also been a number of instrumental theme songs that, even without words, still perhaps convey encouraging messages. Or, you may be simply thinking about other types of music that bring you joy.
Whatever song or songs you’re thinking about…how do they encourage you? What’s the uplifting message that keeps you humming, whistling, or singing those songs? Maybe that message is what you need right now to ease the load you’re carrying in life. Or maybe your load is light and you want to keep it that way!
Psalm 57:7 says, “My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises!”
That’s it! That’s what music does for me, and maybe for you, too. Music reminds us and helps us to remain steadfast no matter our shifting circumstances; and, music helps us turn our focus and keep our focus on the goodness in our lives.
I could go on, but you get my point—music makes a difference. And, in a fun, lighthearted way, even television theme songs make a difference! Who knew?!
So up on your feet. Up on your feet
Somewhere there’s music playing.
Don’t you worry none
We’ll just take it like it comes.
One day at a time.
Thanks for reading!
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Scripture referenced in this post is from the New American Standard Version and linked to
Song lyrics are from Lyrics on Demand, where you can also find song writers’ names.
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