This is my family’s first Father’s Day without my Dad. He died one week after Father’s Day 2017, from complications related to Lewy Body Dementia. It was heartbreaking to watch him go. Yet, we’re doing what you do when you grieve the loss of someone you love—we’re remembering and celebrating the treasure that he was in our lives.

One of my favorite pictures of my Dad driving his treasured classic car.
What good Dads do
My Dad really was a treasure. He did what good Dads do— listen, laugh, direct, discipline, provide, protect, etc. He wasn’t perfect, but he loved us and was committed to doing right by us. I didn’t always see it, but the older and wiser I became, the more I could see that he was always trying his best to be the best Dad he could be to me and my brothers. I believe we and our Mom were his greatest treasures and that he ultimately sacrificed so much to help us have what we needed in life.
My Dad’s treasure
Recently, my Mom and I were going through one of Daddy’s little “treasure” boxes. These are not financially valuable treasures, but Daddy kept odds and ends that had special meaning to him—a little silver cross, a couple buckeyes, some of his old wrist watches, some patches and pins he received as service awards years before at work, some old ink pens, a pocket knife. He would occasionally get these out and reminisce. I wouldn’t take anything for these little treasures. They remind me of Daddy, and while they make me miss him more, they also help me to remember who he was and what his values were. They were his treasures, and now they are ours to remember him by.

Treasure is in the heart of the beholder. Tell your people “I love you” and “thank you” more often, while you can.
Treasure “I love you” and “thank you”
Like many of you, I wish I had told Daddy “I love you” and “thank you” more often. I wish I had known earlier how much of a treasure he was and how much he treasured us. I guess that’s just how life goes sometimes. You don’t know ‘til you know. But, once you know, then you can start afresh treasuring the people you love. And so, that’s what I’m doing—trying to love and treasure my husband, our children, and our families, as best I can today, while I can.
That is my encouragement to you—love and celebrate the people in your life today while you can. Don’t wait ‘til they’re gone. Tell them and show them often that you love them and appreciate the treasure they are in your life.
Press on, keep doing good
Fittingly, one of two Bible verses Daddy had handwritten on scratch paper in his Bible was Galatians 6:9, which says:
“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.”
I’m thinking about that verse today, Daddy, and I’m thinking about you. You never lost heart. You pressed on and did so much good in your 73 years. We hope you felt rewarded here, but we know you now have your full reward in Heaven. Thank you for everything! We love you!
I’m also thinking about you, whoever may be reading this today. You press on also, okay. Don’t give up on doing good. Love your loved ones well. Today. And, every day. You and they are each other’s treasure. Treat each other like treasure!
Before you go…
What have you most appreciated about your Dad? Share your thoughts below in the comments section. I’ll do my best to get those posted as quickly as possible.
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Scripture references in this article are from the New American Standard Bible and linked to
What I most appreciate about my dad is that he is always there for me. Lunch dates, breakfast dates, walking the mall together on a Saturday morning to get our steps in..any time we can spend together is treasured time, and I love every minute of it.
Good stuff, Faith! High-five your Dad next time you see him and tell him “you’re a treasure!” I appreciate you, Faith Bibb! –Shannon
My dad is still living and he is 87 years young! My dad always worked hard and instilled in the four of us always tell the truth, look people in the eye and don’t eat till you pay your bills! My dad was gone a lot because he was a truck driver and wanted the best for his 4 children. I appreciate his teachings on honesty, character and give a man a hard days work for his pay. Those teachings never left me and I’m thankful for my dad.
Thanks for sharing, Donna! Your Dad sounds like a hard-working and loving father. What a blessing!